
How 'bout THEM apples?!?

    I volunteered to make cookies for a teacher appreciate dinner last week and since it was September, and the beginning of the school year, I had apples on the brain.

    These apples are inspired by my friend, Jennifer, a FABULOUS cookie decorator who makes cookies for Frost Bake Shoppe.  This summer, she made these cute little sun cookies...aren't they darling?!?  Well, I thought my apples needed smiles as well.

    {One note on these...the dots are just a lighter red, but next time I make them, I'll make the dots a bit darker....I think the eyes blend in a little too much with them. And wouldn't green apples be fun, too?}

    To make them, you'll need:
      Using a #3 tip, outline the cookie (apple & leaf) in black icing (I STRONGLY recommend AmeriColor Super Black).  Pipe the stem.

      Because of the black outline, you may want to let the outline set for a bit longer than normal.  One hour should be fine.

      Thin the red and light red icings with water, a bit at a time, until it is the consistency of thick syrup.  Cover with a damp dish towel and let sit several minutes.

      Stir gently with a rubber spatula and transfer both icings to squeeze bottles.

      Working 6-8 cookies at a time, fill in the apples in red, using a toothpick to guide to edges.

      Go back over the same 6-8 cookies and drop dots of the lighter red icing.
      Let stand at least one hour.

      With the #4 tip, pipe eyes on the apples with white icing.

      Using a #2 tip, add the pupils to the eyes and a smile. :)

      With another #2 tip, fill in the leaf.

      Let dry overnight.

      You know what they say...
      "An Apple a Day Keeps the Skinny Jeans Away." 
      Or something like that.

      Tidy Mom I'm Lovin It Fridays
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